About CAMS

Customer Satisfaction Increases Due to the Implementation of More Efficient Communication Systems

Founded in the 1990s, CAMS began experiencing steady growth in the early 2000s. A few representatives could easily handle customer calls in the company's early days. However, once the company began expanding throughout North and South Carolina, it became clear that an overhaul of its communications processes was needed to continue providing the top-notch service its clients deserve. To eliminate the threat of missed calls, extended hold times, and calls reaching the wrong departments, CAMS developed a community support team (CS) and created efficient communication processes and systems to ensure a positive customer experience.


As CAMS grew, it was clear that an increased number of clients needed to be able to reach a CAMS representative quickly and have their issues handled efficiently and effectively. In addition, the need for an improved communication system became apparent to increase customer satisfaction and distribute the workload among the community support reps more evenly.

Some of the issues with CAMS’ pre-2020 communication protocol included:

  • Calls rolled inefficiently throughout the office, which would result in clients waiting on hold or reaching incorrect departments.
  • Inconsistent method for routing emergency calls within the system.
  • A limited number of CS representatives handling voicemails and emails in addition to answering calls. This, in turn, created a delay in some responses to clients.
  • Incorrect data was being used to measure the efficacy of the community support team, thus painting an inaccurate picture of how CAMS’ communication systems were performing.


Obtaining a new call management technology system was one of the first steps in improving the CAMS customer service experience. This system was very customizable in that it could prioritize emergency calls and sort calls in a way that allows CS reps to handle them more efficiently.

Some other improvements included:

  • An ongoing commitment to client satisfaction through each CS representative receiving regular call audits, coaching, and feedback from leadership.
  • A phone system that self-adjusts to prioritize emergency calls.
  • Callers to CAMS receive random surveys to provide valuable feedback. These surveys allow CAMS to consider feedback and see trends and areas that may need improvement.
  • A system that measures the effectiveness of each call and accountability of each CS representative.
    • Quality performance score consistently stays around 97% or higher, demonstrating excellence in delivering accurate information.
    • The team’s productivity score remains around 95% or higher. This measures the average time of calls and quality audits, among other metrics, to know if CAMS is effectively serving clients.


Since implementing changes to its communications systems, CAMS has significantly increased the efficacy of its CS department. The system creates efficiencies, and so do new and improved processes. Providing regular feedback and training to the community support team has greatly increased positive customer interactions. The surveys allow CAMS to see where improvement may be needed and quickly come up with a solution.

At CAMS, we understand the importance of easily communicating with your management company. However, we also know that your time is precious and can be well-spent on things besides waiting on hold or having your call bounced around the office. That is why we made the improvements our clients deserved and continue to watch for areas that could use revisions.

Download a copy of this case study here.

Is your community getting the Trusted Guidance it deserves? Reach out to the experts at CAMS today at 877.672.2267 or at www.camsmgt.com/choose-cams